Pengaruh Penghindaran Pajak dan Ukuran Perusahaan Terhadap Biaya Utang

  • Ranis Prameswari Hudiyono Student
  • Anissa Yuniar Larasati Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani
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Keywords: Tax Avoidance, Firm Size, Cost of Debt


This research aims to determine and analyze the influence of Tax Avoidance
and Company Size on the Cost of Debt. The object of this research is the Food and
Beverage Sub-sector Manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock
Exchange (IDX) in 2018 - 2022. Tax avoidance in this research is measured using
the ETR (Effective Tax Rate) indicator which divides the tax burden by profit before
tax, Company Size measured using the natural logarithm indicator of total assets
and the Cost of Debt is measured using the COD (Cost of Debt) indicator by dividing
the interest expense and the average of short-term and long-term loans. The
population in this study was 83 companies with an observation period of 5 years so
there was 415 data. The data collection method uses purposive sampling to produce
a sample of 12 companies with 5 years of observation to form 60 sample data. The
analytical method in this research uses multiple linear regression analysis using IBM
SPSS Software Version 26.0 for Windows. The results of this research show that
Tax Avoidance has a positive and significant influence on the Cost of Debt, while
Company Size has no effect on the Cost of Debt because creditors evaluate not only
company size but also various other aspects.

How to Cite
Hudiyono, R., & Larasati, A. (2024). Pengaruh Penghindaran Pajak dan Ukuran Perusahaan Terhadap Biaya Utang. Accounting Insights Journal, 1(1), 48-63. Retrieved from