Author Fees

Accounting Insights Journal: No Author Fees

Welcome to the Author Fees page for the Accounting Insights Journal. We are pleased to inform you that there are no fees for authors to publish their work in our journal.

No Article Processing Charges (APC)

The Accounting Insights Journal operates on a no-fee model. This means that authors are not required to pay any Article Processing Charges (APC) for the peer review, copyediting, typesetting, and online hosting of their manuscripts. Our goal is to make high-quality research accessible to everyone without financial barriers.

Submission and Publication

Submitting your manuscript to the Accounting Insights Journal is simple and free of charge. Once accepted, your manuscript will undergo the same rigorous peer review and editing process as fee-based journals, ensuring the highest standards of academic quality.



Thank you for choosing the Accounting Insights Journal for your research publication. We are dedicated to providing a high-quality platform for accounting research and insights without financial barriers.