Standard Inpatient Class Policy in Hospital:

Opportunities and Challenges (Systematic Literature Review)

  • Andreas Erick Haurissa Universitas Adhirajasa Reswara Sanjaya
  • Jones Vita Galuh Syailendra Universitas Universitas Adhirajasa Reswara Sanjaya
  • Endah Futihatul Fajriyah Universitas Adhirajasa Reswara Sanjaya
  • Zakiyatun Murtafiah Hamzah Universitas Adhirajasa Reswara Sanjaya
  • Purwadhi Purwadhi Universitas Adhirajasa Reswara Sanjaya
  • Rian Andriani Universitas Adhirajasa Reswara Sanjaya
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Keywords: Policy, Hospital, Inpatient


Presidential Regulation Number 59 of 2024 concerning health insurance mandates that the implementation of inpatient services based on standard inpatient classes in hospitals collaborating with BPJS Health no later than June 30 2025. According to the KRIS implementation road map, by 2024 it is hoped that 2,432 hospitals will be ready and As of February 4 2024, there are 1,053 hospitals ready. The aim of the research is to provide an overview of the opportunities and challenges faced in implementing KRIS, with an analysis of how implementing KRIS can improve the quality of health services and overcome gaps in access and other challenges faced in the transformation process. The research used the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) method and to select article findings, the PRISMA method was used. The research conclusion is that the standard inpatient class policy in hospitals has great potential to improve the accessibility and quality of health services, but its implementation requires strong support from various parties, including the government, hospitals and the community. Some of the main challenges in implementing the KRIS policy are limited resources (infrastructure, equipment, human resources), operational costs, differences in patient financial capabilities and gaps in access and quality of health services.

How to Cite
Haurissa, A., Syailendra, J., Fajriyah, E., Hamzah, Z., Purwadhi, P., & Andriani, R. (2024). Standard Inpatient Class Policy in Hospital:. Accounting Insights Journal, 1(1), 100-110. Retrieved from