Portofolio: Jurnal Ekonomi, Bisnis, Manajemen, dan Akuntansi is an open access Scientific Journal, published by the Faculty of Economics and Business, Jenderal Achmad Yani University (FEB UNJANI). Published twice a year in May and November with ISSN:   (P ISSN: 1829-7188), (E-ISSN: 2829-3398) .

Portfolio: Journal of Economics, Business, Management and Accounting contains scientific writings based on the results of research and conceptual ideas in the fields of Economics and Business, especially Management and Accounting with the aim of being a Media for the Exchange of Information on scientific work between instructors, students, alumni, researchers, and the public in general.

Journal online Portofolio FEB Jenderal Achmad Yani University contains scientific studies of :

Management Scope:

  1. Marketing Management;
  2. Human Resource Management;
  3. Financial management;
  4. Operations management,
  5. Business management,
  6. Strategy management

Accounting Scope:

  1. Financial Accounting,
  2. Management Accounting;
  3. Auditing;
  4. Accounting Information System,
  5. Taxation,
  6. Behavior Accounting.