Peran E-Satisfaction dalam Memediasi Pengaruh E-Service Quality terhadap E-Loyalty pada Pengguna Layanan Streaming Film Online Netflix
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The aim of this study is to test the role of Customer Satisfaction in mediating the impact of EService Quality on Customer Loyalty on Netflix service users in Bandung. The instruments used
in this study are said to have passed the internal validity test (construction & content), the
external validity testing, the semantic test (indication test, causality test & logical test of the
indicator relationship of the variable in the hypothesis), and the realism test. The instrument is
used as a data collection tool from respondents, 93 users of the Netflix service among
Generation Z in Bandung with ages from 18 to 24 who have subscribed to Netflix services in the
last 6 months in Bandung. The data collection technique used is cross-sectional or one-shot
study. Data analysis techniques used are simple linear regression, double, and double testing
using SPSS version 28. E-satisfaction has a positive influence on e-loyalty in users of online movie
streaming service Netflix in Kota Bandung